AANHPI Heritage & Lobby Day 2023
In honor of AANHPI Heritage Month, community members and leaders went to the Nevada Legislature in Carson City to speak directly to their representatives about the issues impacting them and to highlight the voices of hard-working AANHPI communities across the state.
Why (AAP)I Vote
WHY (AAP)I VOTE is a PSA that showcased the diverse faces and issues of the APIA community ahead of the 2022 elections. Unlike other PSAs and those of the past, it was produced completely in-house and featured One APIA Nevada staff and local organizers who work with the APIA community in Nevada day in and day out.
2022 Voter Outreach
The AANHPI community is growing rapidly, accounting for 1 in 10 voters, and has the power and numbers to be the voice of change in Nevada. We coordinate the in-state electoral efforts of local and national organizations, engage in direct voter contact, and uplift the voices of the APIA community through issue advocacy and holding elected officials accountable.
New Media Legislative Education
To ensure that our community could understand how upcoming bills could impact them, we made short explanatory videos under one minute for TikTok that were accessible and understandable to our community members.
2020 Voter Outreach
Historically, electoral work within the APIA community has revolved around a campaign timeline, limiting conversations with voters around an election (September-November). One APIA Nevada is taking a different approach—conducting deep canvassing, on the ground through direct voter contact and base-building efforts, year-round.
Stories & Issues
We bring you the lives of ordinary Asian Pacific Islander Americans in Nevada. We share their diverse stories in an effort to dispel the idea that our community is a monolith.
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One APIA Nevada is a 501(c)4 grassroots nonprofit building the civic power of Nevada's growing Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) community to support leaders, policies, and issues that advance the interests of the APIA community.
© 2024 by One APIA Nevada